Have you ever paid attention to your desires and intentions?
Learn why they should always go together, almost as if they are in a happy relationship.
Are you the kind of person that finds it easier to have desire or intention? Balance them out and start creating the life you want with confidence and at ease.
Practicing the Law of attraction should be fun. Bringing in your life everything that you desire should really always feel like a game.
Do you want to learn a fast, fun and easy way to start flexing your manifesting muscle? Watch the video and learn the Law of attraction exercise (originally taught by Abraham Hicks) called the game of Deliberate creation.
You can play it everyday, as many times as you want. It will boost your ability as a divine creator and help you get more confident in your manifesting skills.
Take a look:
How easy was that? I hope you start practicing this game and perfection your manifesting abilities.
Let’s talk about manifestation, law of attraction and actuallyhigh vibes and positive vibes.
If you are anything like me you must be a creator. You know how to manifest, you have heard the steps time and time and time again. If you are in this journey, one of the steps that people talk about the most is actually the one about raising your vibration.
Raising your vibration is not the only thing that you’re gonna need to manifest. Many people get so tangled up in the concept of raising their vibration that that’s the only thing that they’re focusing on. The truth is that you can be raising your vibration, which is a good practice and it’s a nice practice, but not for the reasons that you might be thinking of. If you are raising constantly your vibration you might be missing out on other things that could help you bring what you want into your life.
While raising your vibration is an amazing practice it’s not really what is gonna make your manifestation come true or come to this 3d world that we live in. Raising your vibration actually helps you but does not guarantee that you’re going to get your manifestation. For example: has it ever happened to you that you want something and you’re thinking: oh my gosh I cannot manifest that. It could be a car, your house or the person that you want to be with, or whatever it is that you want. It can be something really small it can be something huge and you’re thinking I gotta raise my vibration, I cannot manifest this. If I’m feeling down, if I’m not positive about it, if Idon’t think in good terms about it, I need to raise my vibration.
The way we behave
You start doing all of these practices to actually raise your vibration which is amazing but that does not guarantee that your manifestation is going to come to life. If you are in this journey raising the vibration is all that you’re doing, and that’s all that you’re concentrating on chances are that your manifestation is not gonna happen because there are other areas of your life that you’re also need to work with that don’t have to do particularly with raising the vibration. I have manifested many things with my vibration being low so the whole raising vibration thing is not really all that it seems to be.
What you really need to do
If you are raising your vibration,taking the steps and nothing is happening, your manifestation is not coming you need to change strategies a bit.
First thing that I want you to do is really analyze what you’re doing. You need to get a clear intention of what you want to manifest and then more than anything else, more than raising your vibration, what I need you to do is align with it. Aligning with what you want sometimes is a tricky thing because more than likely you want something that you have never had or experienced before.
How to align to manifest
How do you align to something that you have never had or experienced before? For example if you want to have a million dollars and you’re saying: I want a million dollars,I’m gonna get a million dollars and you don’t have an intention as to why you want the million dollars , manifesting them will be hard.
BE clear on your why. What are you gonna use a million dollars for? The feeling of having it. What is it? You need to recognize the feeling first in order for this to come to you. And it’s very hard to know what you’re going to be feeling if you have a million dollars if you never had a million dollars right? But little by little taking these small steps of positive thinking, tuning in with your body and mind, and other techniques allow you you to align with what you want in order to receive it.
Raising your vibration, journaling , and using other tools and really centering and aligning and feeling that is coming to you. By doing this you are activating a part of your brain that is actually saying to reality yes this is coming, is happening. The only other thing that I really want you to do and thinkis the recognition that the universe got its timing. Your manifestation will happen but maybe in not the timing that you expect.
Think about what you want in the present tense. It’s a common mistake to talk about manifesting in the future tense, but doing this tells the universe that is coming . So it will always be coming, and never materialize in the present. The universe does not know, your conscious does not know, your mind does not know the difference between positive and negative. It’s just happening all the time. It doesn’t know the difference between the past, present and the future. You need to say it in present state. It is happening, and it’s happening right now. Like I have the million dollars, it’s there it’s there. Just declare it, it’s already here, and soon enough it will be
Let’s talk about law of attraction and the 17 second rule. If you have been practicing law of attraction you may have heard about the 17 second rule which technically is a rule that says that if we are able to hold a thought for 17 seconds we will be able to manifest this thought quite rapidly. It seems like really simple, right?
You just think how much you want to manifest hold that thought for 17 seconds and then the universe is gonna help us put that manifestation in motion. If this is something that you have tried to practice and you have failed I want to give you a couple of tips on how to do this thing better.
Is it easy to practice?
17 seconds seems like a really really short time when you think that there’s so many seconds throughout the day. There’s an incredible amount of seconds that we have in the day just to manifest because we are manifesting all the time. If you want to concentrate 17 seconds of your day chasing that one thing that you truly truly want in practice may become a little bit difficult. Believe me I have tried.
It’s like 17 seconds is so easy! 17 seconds, and then you’re trying to time yourself and you realize that 17 seconds it seems to be a longer time than what you actually thought it was going to be.
Some tips to help you out
I want to give you a couple of tips to make this process easier and simpler for you. The first thing that I want you to do is like with anything that we want maybe we need to put together a little bit plan for it. This 17 second rule is no exception the first thing that I need you to do is really think about that thing that you want to manifest . What is it that you want to manifest?
Whether it is a car, a relationship. a job, a trip, a vacation, beer grades at school, whatever it is that you’re trying to manifest. What is it that one thing just pinpointed . Just think about one, one thing only for now. Second thing that we can do with that thing is write it down. You don’t need do a whole explanation about the why, the how. Forget about the how, that’s essential in manifestation. Write down whatever it is that you want . When you look at it I don’t want you to just put, let’s say if you want to manifest the car, I want you to just write down “car”. Be a little bit more specific about it and talk about the type of car that you want, what does it look like,and put it in a short sentence. If you are reading this sentence you just created, it will last about 17 seconds when you are reading it, or it could also be a quick sentence that you can repeat to bring it to those 17 seconds.
What to do with your sentence
If you are just thinking “car” it’s only one word. It is one thought, but it may take you a lot of concentration just to think :car, car, car, car, car right?
It’s way easier and it brings more feelings into it and easier manifestation if you say that you want for example the red car with leather seats that is going to be parked your driveway. So not only that will help you make the sentence a little bit longer to last 17 seconds but it will also help you with the process when you’re actually within the 17 second. Because now what you can do when you go to into those 17 seconds, you just concentrate on it. Close you eyes, take a deep breath, and then you think about this thing. You can actually visualize it better because now you know exactly what it’s going to look like. You also need you to feel what is it that it feels like if you actually have this red car with leather seats already parked in your driveway. So holding that thought is gonna be quite easier than just thinking for 17 seconds like car, car, car. It’s going to drive you insane.
When you think you have held your thought for 17 seconds, you’re gonna realize that maybe you just thought about it for five. So though the 17 seconds is an amazing thing for you to start manifesting with and it truly helps you, please don’t time it when you’re doing it you don’t need to put your timer to 17 seconds. What this is doing is trying to help you maintain the thought for longer and start training your brain and your body to actually hold that thought and start manifesting faster.
The recap
For the 17 second rule to work faster and easier for you and without so much frustration is without manifesting yet just think about the thing that you want to manifest. Then you’re going to create a sentence describing what you want to manifest that hopefully will last about 17 seconds when you read it or maybe you read it twice and it will last about the 17 seconds. Once you master the technique it will b like automatic you don’t have to think about the time after that when you actually go into holding the thought for 17 seconds. If you need to close your eyes to do it, kind of meditating you can just close your eyes, take a deep breath, center yourself and start saying that sentence to yourself while visualizing it, and feeling it. Get that feeling of how wonderful it’s gonna be to already have that thing that you want. Last and not least please be thankful and consider it done because it is already done for you.
Today I want to talk to you about two terms that seem to be the same but they are actually very different and they get some people confused What’s the difference between daydreaming and visualization? They sound pretty similar. Right?
You may be thinking: wow, I wanna have this beautiful car and i’m just gonna think about it so I can manifest it in my life. But, should you dreaming about it or should you just be visualizing?
What’s really the difference between them? Let’s talk about daydreaming
I want you to take into account that when you are daydreaming is a little bit like a game and is in a way unconscious and more than likely what you are dreaming about is so out there that is something that is never gonna represent in your actual real life.
For example you can be daydreaming that you are inside a cartoon for example. Daydreaming happens maybe when you are bored, it happens like an escape for something. Let’s say you’re in a meeting and it’s truly boring or you are taking a class and it doesn’t spark your interest. All of a sudden your mind just goes somewhere else because you need to disconnect.
So you are usually super bored. Daydreaming happens a lot when somebody’s talking and you’re not even paying attention anymore. You lost track of whatever they were saying because you are truly not interested. All of a sudden you start thinking about something else, such as: wouldn’t it be nice if i will have a dog? and wouldn’t it be nice if my dog was wearing this like cute costume that i saw at the store for Halloween?
How your mind behaves
Is as if your mind goes places because you are just playing around. There’s really no intention behind it other than to just a disconnect from current reality so you can recharge. Ans just like you went somewhere else and you disconnected, all of a sudden, boom, you come back and you’re back in that meeting, you’re back in that class and life goes on and more than likely you are never gonna think about this thing ever again. This thought just goes to the back of your mind now. It was something for you to just disconnect, have a little break from reality. It was playful, it was nice but that’s about it. That’s all that is going to do for you. With daydreaming you let your imagination just run wild because you’re trying to have this little escape from your current duty or reality.
Sometimes you’re not even like you know in a minute or a class or something that is just boring maybe you’re just at home and you are just taking a look at the ceiling and you start thinking about these random things and there’s no intention behind it other than to have a break from your current situation.
Will you go after these things that you are daydreaming about? Sometimes you may but more than likely it’s just like a random thought that is coming to you.
What about visualization?
With visualization what you are doing is applying a technique where you have an intention. You can truly see in your mind what you are trying to gt or achieve. Some people have trouble visualizing, they cannot really see or picture what they are trying to achieve. With visualization more than the visual, more than the picture, what really really counts is the feeling that you have about this. For example, if this little dog that you were dreaming about is something that you really want to bring into your life, more than likely you’ve been thinking about it for a while. More than likely you already have an specific dog in mind, more than likely you really really want to get this dog into your present and your current reality.
This doesn’t happen randomly. You have a clear and sole intention of bringing this into your current reality, into your actual present , so if you are visualizing the dog you are putting an intention into it \. You are in a way telling the universe look this is the plan, that I have. This is what i want to get and you may go even into meditation. Just closing your eyes and thinking about this dog that you want to have. Once that the intention is set, you will be able to manifest it in real life.
I just want to concentrate on the fact that daydreaming and visualization are not the same thing. The most important thing is that with visualization you do have an intention and you do want to bring this thing into real life manifest it in your present.
Final thoughts
Daydreaming is a break from current reality just for fun. Visualization can also be for fun from the act of manifesting, but when you are visualizing you are really planting the seed that you want this thing to actually become real and you actually have feelings attached to it. You are trying to truly make it come true. And more than likely you will, because you are a great creator. We just need to plant that seed, put it out there and let the universe do its magic.
Things you should know to choose they best technique for you
If you are working on your self development , you may hear these 2 terms a lot.
And while they seem similar, if not the same, are they really? Take a look at the video below where I explain the real deal about the real meaning on recoding and rewiring .
Recoding has to do with rewriting your emotions and feelings, while rewiring is the term used when reprogramming your brain, your mind.
Mow that you are aware of this, it should be easier for you to choose the right technique for you to start changing your beliefs, or thoughts into better ones for you to help you achieve the life that you dream of.