If you are an overthinker, I have some amazing tips for you that are going to help you on your everyday life. They’re also going to help you become your best self and live at peace and ease and in flow which is what we all truly truly want right?
How does overthinking works?
Overthinking happens to the best of us. But why does overthinking happen? There might be some sort of situation that you are facing in your life, there might be something that you gotta buy like a big big purchase, something related to work, something related to school, something related to your parents, something related to your children…
It usually has to do with something perceived as big in your life on your mind, where a decision needs to be made. Though overthinking can happen at any time sometimes it happens also with the small and tiniest things that actually trigger you. You go into this carousel ride where you cannot seem to be able to hop off because you’re just going round and round and round and round and round about the same thing over and over and over again. Sometimes you think about this particular situation only in one way and you just think multiple times about the same thing . Some other times, overthinking may take you of thinking about a situation and start playing all of the different possible scenarios as to the decision that you need to make and how they are going to play out .
The truth is, if you are over thinking like if you think too much too many times whatever the situation is, it can end up driving you insane, because your mind is super active you are not able to just make a decision and you’re just gonna go round and round and round and round and it’s gonna wear you out.
Why does overthinking happens?
Here is the truth. This may be revealing to some of you, it was very revealing to me when I found out about this. I couldn’t believe that spiritually this is really what is going on. Let me let you in on this little secret. Overthinking, we all know that it happens because we have an overactive mind right? The mind just cannot stop, just keeps going and going and going and going and it’s usually linked to a particular situation or event. A decision that you have to make and what the possible outcome may be, doesn’t make you feel good at all .
Most of the times you cannot see a way out. You don’t feel good about it and you just don’t know what to do. This is why your mind just keeps on going and going. But let me tell you a little secret.
The spiritual cause of overhtinking
When you are overthinking it’s just a sign that your heart is closing. Your heart is shutting down and you cannot come out of this shell, of this thing. It’s as if you’re shrinking, you’re getting smaller, because your mind just goes and goes and goes and goes. The first thing that you need to do is have the awareness, have the acknowledgement that you are overthinking.
The second thing that I need you to do once that you realize this, is to stop for a minute and just step away from the situation. You’re gonna tell me: oh it’s so hard to step away from it…
Believe me if, you have the time to keep on thinking and thinking about it, you also have the time to just stop thinking and step away. Once that you have stepped away from it, you need to calm your mind. Clear your mind, and let that go in the back seat just for a little minute until you’re able to make that decision.
How to clear your mind
One of the best things that you can do in order to clear your mind is to come back to your self, to your inner self. Your inner self knows what’s best for you always. We just shut down our inner self, our intuition when they are just trying to talk to us all the time. We are not listening to it . Take a deep breath, come back to yourself, and calm down. Just take a couple of deep breaths, let it go. Go and watch tv if you need to, go and grab a book if you need to. Just step away from it for a few minutes and then you can come back to the matter at hand with a clearer perspective.
If you actually close your eyes, put your hands to your heart and think about the situation for a second. Once that you open your eyes, I can guarantee you, you’re only going to have and see one solution for this thing that you are facing. And just like that you have made a decision quicker than you ever had. And it’s actually the right decision to make because your inner self is talking to you.
The clarity of self
We have to make friends with our mind, we have to make friends with our body, we have to make friends with everything that is happening inside of us. It will allow us to shift, in order to clear it, to be our best version and live the life that we want at ease and peace. In flow and just be happy about it.
If you are an overthinker, just make the recognition, be aware that you’re doing this. It’s nothing bad, it’s just a sign of a mind that is just overworking. Once that we can make friends with this fact, once that we recognize this , we can go back to ourselves. We can make the right decision and we can let our heart open. If you keep on thinking and thinking about it, you’re just gonna shut down. You don’t even realize you’re doing this. This part you don’t realize you’re doing, it’s super unconscious. The conscious part is that you keep on thinking and thinking about something else so just be open be open. It’s gonna pay out for you big time I promise you. When you recognize this you can start making amazing decisions that are actually heart centered and conscious. Because now we know. I hope that these tips have actually helped you if you are an overthinker in recovery.
Much love.